What is exclusive breastfeeding? According to the World Health Organisation, it means that 'the infant receives only breast milk. No other liquids or solids are given – not even water – with the exception of oral rehydration solution, or drops/syrups of vitamins, minerals or medicines.’ Just to give you some background info, Shukul Kachwalla, featured in the video, is a Nutritionist.
When we had our daughter we expected that we would exclusively breastfeed for just 6 months, then introduce food along with breastmilk (which is the general recommendation in the West). We were fortunate enough to meet Dr Michael Klaper (featured in Forks Over Knives) and spent time talking about this topic, he was so kind and generous with his time and taught us so much about the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding beyond 6 months. Our daughter is now 19 months old and we are seeing the benefits of committing to exclusive breastfeeding for almost 12 months. She has been on 14 flights, trains in India and even rickshaws and only been unwell once in her life and, bounced back really quickly without needing medication. We wanted to share the reasons why we decided to exclusively breastfeed beyond 6 months. In the video, we look at the emotional, psychological as well as nutritional reasons. I hope you find the video informative.
Thank you very much for watching.