Food - Family - Wellness
Food - Family - Wellness
with Divya Singh
Chana Dal: 3 Ways

We’re going to start off with the traditional recipe. The best part of the three recipes (besides the flavor) is that the first recipe forms the foundation for the other 2 recipes, which means that you don’t have to go out and buy different types of lentils and different spices. The other 2 recipes only require 2-3 more ingredients in addition to the ingredients needed for the traditional recipe.
Traditional Chana Dal:
Chana dal dried (split chickpeas) 2 cups
Curry leaves: 10-12
Coriander/cilantro: 1 bunch (stems and leaves)
Garlic: 2 cloves finely chopped
Red onion: Half of one onion
Mustard seeds: 1 teaspoon
Turmeric powder: 1 teaspoon
Cumin seeds: 1 teaspoon
Coriander powder: 1 teaspoon
Salt to taste
Water - 3 ¼ cups
Soak the dried chana overnight.
Boil the chana. Foam will accumulate during the cooking process, ensure you skim this off. If left to build it can result in the water overflowing and the flavor of the foam can be a little bitter. It’s a trick my mum taught and mum knows best :)
Cook until soft - so that it can be mashed by pressing a piece between your fingers. Then set aside.
Heat your non-stick pan on medium-high heat. Once hot add your mustard seeds, once the seeds start popping add your cumin seeds.
Then add your onions and stir all the ingredients around.
Add your curry leaves and stir for about 30 seconds.
Add ¼ cup of water to deglaze the pan. Then add the chopped stems of the coriander(leaves are to be added later in the cooking process) as well as the chopped garlic. Stir and then add your boiled chana.
Then add the coriander powder and turmeric powder and stir together. Add 3 cups of water, stir and cover
Cook for 10-12 minutes
Remove ⅔ of the mix (liquid and solids) blend this until smooth.
Then add the blended mix back into the pot.
Add salt to taste then add your chopped coriander leaves and stir.
Serve with steamed rice or flatbread.
Tomato-based Chana Dal:
The recipe includes all of the same ingredients and the same process as above - at the point (indicated by the blue arrow ⇨) you need to add the following ingredients:
1 can of chopped tomatoes
2 tablespoons tomato puree
4 tablespoons jaggery/palm sugar. Available in Asian food stores (see the recipe video for an example of what it looks like)
Cook for 10-12 minutes
Remove ⅔ of the mix (liquid and solids) blend this until smooth.
Then add the blended mix back into the pot.
Add salt to taste then add your chopped coriander leaves and stir.
Serve with steamed rice or flatbread.
Spinach-based Chana Dal:
The recipe includes all of the same ingredients and the same process as the traditional recipe - at the point (indicated by the blue arrow ⇨) you need to add the following ingredients:
Frozen spinach: 250grams/8.8 ounces
4 tablespoons jaggery/palm sugar. Available in Asian food stores (see the recipe video for an example of what it looks like)
Fresh spinach: 1 handfull (optional)
Cook for 10-12 minutes
Remove ⅔ of the mix (liquid and solids) blend this until smooth.
Then add the blended mix back into the pot.
Add salt to taste then add your chopped coriander leaves and stir.
Serve with steamed rice or flatbread.
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